Takes 30 mins using freezer
5 medium naval oranges 1 x 135g packet orange jelly
Carefully cut the oranges in half and gently squeeze some of the juice, taking care not to ruin the skin. Scrape the remaining flesh into a bowl (don't throw it away - it will go very well in a chocolate pudding or smoothie and you can freeze it!)
Using the orange juice make up the jelly in the microwave using half the liquid recommended on the packet. If you don't have a microwave you will have to heat the orange juice for it to dissolve the jelly.
Sit the orange skin halves in a muffin tin to keep them steady and pour the jelly in right to the top.
Pop them in the freezer for about 15 mins (or refrigerate for longer) until set. Trim the orange halves so the skin is level with the jelly, then slice in half again with a sharp knife. Done!
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